
I co-led the creative work for what I’m told are the two most successful Rx launches to date. Before you get too impressed, I think I also worked on one of the least successful launches (still won an award for the work). I can handle everything from message development to big campaign ideas to complex global launches. 

DDB Health, Co-Op Writer
2021-present, remote

  • Novartis Oncology (Scemblix, Tasigna) and Vertex (Trikafta)

  • Launched new indications for Scemblix and Trikafta

  • Joined forces with Novartis in-house creative teams on multiple video and data viz projects

CDM, Co-Op Writer
2018-2021, remote

  • Abbvie (Synthroid), Aveeno, Neutrogena

  • Reworked all promotional and rep training pieces for Synthroid based on customer segmentation research

  • Strategic messaging, digital, trade shows, emails, and collateral for Aveeno and Neutrogena

2013–2018, NYC

  • Gilead Hep C franchise (Harvoni, Sovaldi, Epclusa) Pfizer Latin America (Enbrel), Amgen (Prolia), GE Healthcare

  • Creative work featured in countless pitches

  • Created global campaigns for Sovaldi and Harvoni, the two most successful Rx launches to date, as well as Epclusa

  • Worked closely with clients in the US and throughout Latin America on a new campaign for Enbrel

  • Scripted and provided creative consultation for a large, global video series for Amgen

  • Had 2 kids. Decided I needed to work from home to be around more often

Corbett, Group Copy Supervisor
2008–2013, NYC

  • Takeda hypertension franchise (Edarbi, Edarbyclor), Merck (Isentress)

  • Pre-launch and launch campaigns for Edarbi and Edarbyclor

  • Lots of pitches

  • Creative SWAT for Flonase OTC pitch in LA with TBWA\Chiat\Day

  • Fun fact: Corbett became TBWA\Worldhealth in 2013

Surge Healthcare, Copy Supervisor
2006–2008, NYC

  • More Merck, lots of message development, more CVAs, fact checks, and submissions

  • Would you believe that Surge became Corbett in 2008

CorbettAccel, Copywriter
2005–2006, NYC

  • Merck, CVAs, fact checks, and submissions

  • Yes, CorbettAccel became Surge in 2006

CorbettAccel, Traffic
2004–2005, NYC

  • I never really understood what I was supposed to do, but I did learn how an agency works